
Uncollecting: How to Refresh Your Closet for a New Year

Your Closet Should Put You at Ease

What do you feel when you look in your closet? If the answer is dread, you’ve come to the right place! The start of a new year is the perfect time to uncollect excess stuff in your closet.

Stuff can be a tricky subject: It’s your stuff. You spent good money on it. That’s okay: Today we’re sharing our best tips to help you uncollect some of it. But first, let’s run through the basics of buying and keeping things.

Right-sizing your wardrobe allows you to see what you have and wear more of it. Custom storage by Closets of Tulsa keeps you organized and on track. Call now to book your Free Consultation and 3-D Closet Design: 918.609.0214.

Tip 1: Ponder Your Closet Psychology

Stuff happens! Understanding why can help you simplify.

Why We Buy Stuff:

  • We want it.

  • We feel like we need it.

  • Stuff temporarily fills the holes of our insecurities.

Why We Keep Stuff:

  • Our stuff is high-quality.

  • We spent good money on it.

  • …Or got it at a discount, or as a gift!

  • Keeping it helps us avoid potentially disappointing someone or feeling like we made a bad purchase.

This is all okay. Let’s keep moving.

Closets of Tulsa designs beautiful, efficient solutions for everything you need to store. To schedule your Free Consultation and 3-D Closet Design, call now: 918.609.0214.

Tip 2: Start with Unwanted Gifts

While the holidays are still fresh, kick off your uncollecting with unwanted gifts:

  • The quirky Dirty Santa present still in its box.

  • That scarf from your in-laws you'll never wear.

  • The sentimental items you appreciate but just don't need.

Photo by danielsbfoto/iStock / Getty Images

Several (!) decades ago, my sister gave me a large cedar chest as a college graduation gift. I recently downsized my home, and each time I tried to find space for the chest where there was none, I wondered: Why am I doing this? A gift brings a moment of joy for the giver and receiver. Let it be that sweet, simple gesture, unburdened by the expectation you'll keep it forever.



Unwanted GIFT
Probably Won’t Use It

Custom closet solutions by Closets of Tulsa are tailored to your storage needs and designed to keep you organized and on track. Call now to book your Free Consultation and 3-D Closet Design: 918.609.0214.

Tip 3: Destigmatize the Bad Purchase

The loathing attached to a bad purchase can drag on as the months turn into years and you still haven't used that thing you bought. The reality is, you only use some things once (or maybe never). When a purchase has outlived its useful life with you, let it go.

PRO TIP: Put items you’re not quite ready to part with in your breakup basket. This strategy is beautifully simple; just toss it in and take all the time and space you need.

Eliminate chaos. Live better. Call Closets of Tulsa now for a Free Consultation and 3-D Closet Design: 918.609.0214.

Tip 4: Dispose of Your Stuff Responsibly

Give. Sell. Consign. Donate. Keep items out of the landfill and conserve resources by giving your items a second life. Here are four worthy places to donate in Tulsa:





To consign or sell directly, check out The Top Drawer, located at East 32nd Place and South Harvard Avenue.

PRO TIP: A Craigslist Curb Alert will clear just about any item from your front yard within hours. Post it under "free" or in the relevant category on the site.

Understand what’s possible in your space with a Free Consultation and 3-D Closet Design by Closets of Tulsa. Call now to book: 918.609.0214.

Tip 5: Request a Free 3-D Closet Design

Closets of Tulsa designs beautiful, efficient solutions to keep you organized and on track. Give your space a fresh start with a Free Consultation and 3-D Closet Design. Call or text us to book:


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