What's in a Closet?

Disclaimer: Storage is a Sensitive Subject

I recently visited the home of an older man whose closet was 75 percent full of women’s clothing. His wife passed a few months earlier, and they had planned to redesign their closet together. Now, he was checking that project off their bucket list. Standing in their closet, he began to cry as he looked around at her belongings; his wife’s clothes were his connection to her.

This man's closet was a very personal space for him, and the same is true for each person in a different way. So, before we get down to the nitty gritty on our shiny new Solutions Blog, a disclaimer:

By opening your closet doors, you’re airing out a place that’s more emotional and personal than you might expect.


Your closets, pantry and garage aren’t just about the items inside. These spaces have a lot to do with the person you are and how you feel about yourself. For me, closets are—among many other things—a problem that can be solved!

 But I have to be frank with you. The way to get where you want to be—inside your closet or out—is to be honest with yourself. I promise to always do you the same favor. 

You want a beautiful closet. We’re going to do our part, and you’re going to do yours.

Closets of Tulsa is here for you.

Call or text us to book a Free Consultation and 3-D Design for your closets, pantry, home office, garage or fitness studio.

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